Litter Arm | Multipurpose

Part #0480036


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All Features and Benefits

  • The litter arm provides a compact solution to supporting a variety of products including Ferno and Junkin Litters.
  • Compatible Litters Ferno Products: Najo Backboards, Millenia Backboards, Scoop EXL Stretcher, Model #9, Model #11, Model #12, Model #108-D Pole Stretcher, Model #108 (All Models), SOF-L Special Operations Forces Litter.
  • Junkin Safety Products: Medical Core Pole Stretchers, Easy Fold Wheeled Stretcher, Easy Fold with Elevating Headrest, Easy Fold Wheeled Stretcher with Elevating Headrest & Handle.
  • Litter arms sold individually.


6 kg
Load Limit
160 kg
18.2 cm
16.7 cm
73 cm

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