ACETECH™ is a global manufacturer of Vehicle Intelligence for emergency service fleets. Our solutions include cloud based fleet management software, specialist safety & eco-friendly modules and intelligent electronic control units. ACETECH™ solutions integrate seamlessly with our client’s emergency service vehicles, to boost your performance, improve safety and revolutionise the operation of your fleet.

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ACETECH™ iNCONTROL is a compact Electronic Control Unit, that operates at the heart of your vehicle’s intelligence system. Centralising the functionality for many controls into one reliable unit, reduces wiring by up to 70%, minimises potential error and provides you with customisable control of your vehicle’s electronics and lighting.


ACETECH™ iNSIGHT is an intelligent vehicle tracking and performance management software tool, that connects you with your vehicles and crew on the road. You can monitor your fleets location and activity in real-time and make smart data driven decisions; responding quicker, safer and more cost-effectively than ever before


ACETECH™ iNCOMMAND is a state-of-the art touchscreen tablet, designed to provide emergency service drivers with full control of the vehicle and its equipment from the comfort of the cab. Make your crews job safer, easier and more enjoyable with ACETECH™ inCOMMAND.


ACETECH™ ECO-RUN is an environmentally friendly module that eliminates idling times. It turns your engine off and on when needed, and minimises unnecessary vehicle idling by as much as 40%. It helps reduce costs, promotes better driving behaviour and reduces emissions to create an eco-friendly fleet.


ACETECH™ TracSENSE is an intelligent asset tracking module. Tagging your assets helps prevent loss and theft of valuable equipment; and assists with important asset management, maintenance and purchasing decisions


ACETECH™ Reports equip you with easy to digest decision-making information and expert recommendations. You receive insights on fuel, speed, deployment, performance and more. Make your day-to-day fleet operations easy, with ACETECH™ Reports.

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